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Forum Posts

Oct 08, 2021
In General Discussions
What chemical can kill a mosquito? Recently, in our neighborhood, there was a mosquito problem and I thought that we should check out the internet to see if we could get rid of mosquitoes. But when I went online and searched for Insect Killer I was not disappointed. We found a Mosquito killer that worked a miracle and all we had to do was to apply it on the mosquito and the problem was solved. Mosquitoes have always been a nuisance to people and it has even effected my family. My daughter was bitten by a Mosquito while at play and it scared her. She keeps asking me what chemicals were used to kill the mosquito and I tell her that I don't know. It was on TV a while ago where they used a chemical that stung like crazy but didn't damage or harm the mosquito at all. So I want to know what chemical is best to use. I am going to make sure that the next time a mosquito bites my child I will know the answer to that question. Plus I now know why my friends get sores from these nasty critters. It is because they don't know what Mosquito repellent is! Mosquito repellent is the answer to stopping those bugs! Use it and free yourself from their bites!


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